Sunday 2 January 2011

Evaluation: Question 1

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The two screengrabs from the professional documentaries, the one above from the documentary 'Food inc.', and the one below,also taken from the documentary 'Food inc' both follow the typical codes and conventions for documentaries as does our documentary in the two screenshots below. In the documentary above, the mise en scene is relvevant to the topic and compliments what is being said. This can also be seen in the screengrab from the interview with Sue Kendrick in our documentary, where lost of items of clothing from the shop have been displayed on the walls, along with mannequins and many other fashion based items.

Another thing that can be seen in all four screen grabs, in terms of structure, is the rule of thirds, and also that the head of the interviewee is either to the left or right, commonly to the right as in these three documentary interviews. The interveiwee in the professional documentarys and also in our documentary is looking at the interviewer, another typical element of a documentary interview. One interviewee is interviewed at a time aswel, and we have also followed this convention. Both professional documentarys and also our documentary all consult experts on their topic, this can be seen in our documentary, with Sue Kendrick being interviewed in the screen grab, and also in the documentary above, the farmer is being interviewed.

The video below is a perfect example of how the interviewee typically looks at the interviewee and not the camera when they are talking, and how graphics are typically always used at every interview to introduce the interviewee to the viewer.

Newspaper Advertisement

The newspaper advert that we created is similar to the stereotypical channel 4 still adverts and follows the conventions of those. We tried to make our advert innovative and individual, as the other channel 4 adverts are, and to make it stand out from the crowd. We see channel 4 as being loud, and unusual, and we wanted to majorly incorporate this into our own advert. We chose the colour of the channel 4 sign and the background of the title to be black and white as the photos on the background were in colour and we wanted to make the sign stand out against the white background, and also to add an element of seriousness infront of the scrapbook style background.

Our newspaper advert has been annotated, labelling the similarities between our advert and a typical channel 4 advert.

Radio Advert:
Below is a screen shot of the timeline of our radio advert oin Adobe Premier,

There are also codes and conventions for a radio advert, as the print advert is designed to catch the eyes, the radio advert is designed to catch the ears, and there are certain codes and conventions that a typical radio advert should follow:

  • The channel that the programme is being displayed on
  • The time and day that the programme will be aired
  • Sound clips taken from the program, designed to intrigue the reader/listener
  • A voiceover
  • The radio advert should give a true insight as to what the program is about
  • Music is usually involved in the advert to help to set the tone for what the documentary is about

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