Monday 11 October 2010

Formal Proposal

Our documentary is an informative documentary, aiming to inform the audience about fashion trends and styles of the past, of trends that have dwindled away, and also of the trends which have made a comeback in todays era. Our documentary will be about the history of fashion, and will adress the distinct changes throughout the decades from the 1960's to 2000's and explore different peoples opinions on the matter.

We have chosen to firstly interview a woman who runs an antique boutique shop in Liverpool, we think that this will be useful because it really helps us to focus on our topic of fashion history and the way that has fashion has changed between the 1960's and the current day. As well as selling antiques,the shop in which we are interviewing also sell vintage clothing based on the decades that we are concentrating on, so we are hoping that she can give us her expert opinion on the decades and the fashion trends. We will be asking the owner her thoughts on how fashion has changed through the decades in her personal opinion, and also which styles she thinks have come back into present fashion and which particular item would represent the fashion from each decade. The interviewee will be asked to choose items from around the store that she feels would represent each decade and why, we feel that this is would be an interesting part of the documentary to watch, as the professional would be using her knowledge to pick out and piece together different outfits. We also are looking to interview another woman, however not somebody that is directly involved in fashion, such as the shop owner, but somebody who has lived through the decades personally and is willing to share their experiences and thoughts. We are looking for this person to guide us through each decade in their interview and share their opinions of the staple items of their time etc.

We are also going to film 5 models who are dressed in the era's attire, who can visually show how different fashion between the decades is and will hook the audience straight away at the beggining of the documentary. We are going to use archive footage when introducing the different era's, and this will be footage that will be significant of the time, that the audience could perhaps recognise. We are looking to use archive footage from catwalks from many different eras, to show what they truly would have been like in that decade. We are also going to talk to people on the street who may be influenced by the fashion from these era's, and ask them their opinions on what makes the era so significant and different,and also how they would describe their personal style and if they feel it relates to a certain era etc. This would give the audience a feel to how all different tyes of people think about fashion and how important it is to them and when everyones vox pop answers are edited together it will provide a section of interesting infromation for the audience as each persons answer to the same question will be edited to play after each other.

We are also looking to film a photoshoot, to try and add a bit of a high fashion element to the documentary, either that, or take segments from photshoots from contrasting eras and edit them together to show dierectly how the fashion has changed.

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