Thursday 30 September 2010

My Family's Crazy Gap Year

Type Of Documentary:
This was an investigative documentary folowing a family as they decide to take a gap year to a foriegn exotic country.

Themes of the documentary were; gap years, relationships within the family and strains on each other,adventures and also other countries and cultures.

Narrative Structure:
The documentary had a linear narrative as it was narrated all the way through

Camera shots that I noticed were; point of view shots, talking head shots, close ups, over head shots, close ups, and mostly handheld camera work as because after the family had left england it was up to them to film for themselves.

There was non-diegetic action style music when a dangerous situation arose eg the family realised that they had eaten a poisonous type of fish and became very ill, music is also used with the voice over to provoke emotion from the viewer, eg when the family get emotional. Emotional music is also sometimes used at times like this eg with violins etc.

A voice over is used.

Archive Material:
Impressive shots of the places/countries where they were staying were shown throughout their time there. There was also an animated map of the world at the beggining, showing where they will travel.

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