Thursday 30 September 2010


Type Of Documentary:
This was an investigastive and informative documentary as it investigated what was in certain foods etc and how it was made and then presented that information to the viewers.

The themes of the documentary were; where food comes from,saving money, uncovering new things about food, how its made etc, and also value and the money spent on food.

Narrative Structure:
There was a linear narrative throughout the documentary as it was narrated all the way through

Camera techniques that I noticed were; talking head shots, close ups of the food as it is fimled decaying over time etc, panning and tracking shots, cutaways of the animals, handheld style camerawork for undercover investigations etc, zooms and also cantered angle shots.

There was lively upbeat music when talking about the food and giving facts, and there was menacing but comical music when the full lamb/cow is being cut up by the butcher. There were more non diegetic sounds than diegetic used in the documentary.

The editing was quite fast paced, and a voice over was used, for example when the cooking of the meat was done and made into a meal.

Archive material:
Photos and images of the animals were shown and they were still cartoon images, for example of the lamb showing the different cuts that can be taken from it.

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