Thursday 30 September 2010

Six Documentaries

My Family's Crazy Gap Year

Type Of Documentary:
This was an investigative documentary folowing a family as they decide to take a gap year to a foriegn exotic country.

Themes of the documentary were; gap years, relationships within the family and strains on each other,adventures and also other countries and cultures.

Narrative Structure:
The documentary had a linear narrative as it was narrated all the way through

Camera shots that I noticed were; point of view shots, talking head shots, close ups, over head shots, close ups, and mostly handheld camera work as because after the family had left england it was up to them to film for themselves.

There was non-diegetic action style music when a dangerous situation arose eg the family realised that they had eaten a poisonous type of fish and became very ill, music is also used with the voice over to provoke emotion from the viewer, eg when the family get emotional. Emotional music is also sometimes used at times like this eg with violins etc.

A voice over is used.

Archive Material:
Impressive shots of the places/countries where they were staying were shown throughout their time there. There was also an animated map of the world at the beggining, showing where they will travel.


Type Of Documentary:
This was an investigastive and informative documentary as it investigated what was in certain foods etc and how it was made and then presented that information to the viewers.

The themes of the documentary were; where food comes from,saving money, uncovering new things about food, how its made etc, and also value and the money spent on food.

Narrative Structure:
There was a linear narrative throughout the documentary as it was narrated all the way through

Camera techniques that I noticed were; talking head shots, close ups of the food as it is fimled decaying over time etc, panning and tracking shots, cutaways of the animals, handheld style camerawork for undercover investigations etc, zooms and also cantered angle shots.

There was lively upbeat music when talking about the food and giving facts, and there was menacing but comical music when the full lamb/cow is being cut up by the butcher. There were more non diegetic sounds than diegetic used in the documentary.

The editing was quite fast paced, and a voice over was used, for example when the cooking of the meat was done and made into a meal.

Archive material:
Photos and images of the animals were shown and they were still cartoon images, for example of the lamb showing the different cuts that can be taken from it.

Loose Change

Type Of Documentary:
This was an Informative documentary, informing the readers and delivering information on the 9/11 attacks

The themes displayed in the documentary were; 9/11, the conspiracy theories, investigating an event, government cover ups, the economy, and terrorism.

Narrative Structure:
A linear narrative was used in Loose Change as it was narrated all the way through

There were very few talking heads in the documentary, as there was a lot of archive footage collected from different sources. There was also a lot of handhelfd first person camerawork, as people had captured certain things on their mobile phones etc, and there was also lots of panning,tracking and zooms of the documents associated with 9/11.

The Devil Made Me Do It

Type Of Documentary:
The Devil Made Me Do It was an investigative documentary, and also a reflective one as the murder of the nun was looked back on throughout the video.

The themes that were relevant throughout the documentary were; religion, satan, satanic music, the influence and power that certain objects/people can have on the youth, marylin manson, rebellion and crime, and the culture of youth.

Narrative Structure:
The Documentary had a circular narrative, it started with the crime and throughout the documentary went back to why and when it happened.

The camerawork that I noticed throughout the documentary were; point of view shots, tracking shots, reverse shots, CCTV style camerawork, talking head shots, archive cutaways, cutaways of eyes and hands, extreme close ups and cutaways of the crime scene and of the marylin manson concerts. There was also a lot of handheld camerawork, footage from reporters and also there were many fillers, adding a visual stimulus to the documentary.

There were many religious objects, and also many concert videos and costumes from the satanic culture.

Many marylin manson songs were used as he was one of the main aspects of the documentary, there was also a lot of religious, spiritual, choir music representing the religious nature of the nun that was murdered. The sounds that were used were extreme christianity opposed with extreme satanic music, to provoke the thoughts of the viewers. Other sound effects I noticed was the screaming sound effect from when the reconstruction style footage was shown.

A voiceover was used throughout the documentary to oversee the whole thing and to inform the viewers, also, slow paced editing was used to express the sadness and emotion, except from the shots from the Marylin Manson concerts.

The graphics from the documentary were used to reinforce a point, in this case religion, and also the other element of grapics that I noticed was the names of who was talking on the screen were being displayed under them along with their job title.

The Meth Epedemic

In class we watched The Meth Epedemic, a documentary on crystal meth and the following is what I found:

Type Of Documentary:
The Meth Epedemic was an Investigative documentary as the police were hugely involved in investigating the hows and whys of meth using.

Major themes that can be seen in the documentary are; drug abuse, addictions, crystal meth and the dangers and long term consequences of drug taking.

Narrative Structure:
The Meth Epedemic had a linear narrative and the documentary focused on police searches and the effects that the drug has on people and on children.

Whilst watching the documentary I noticed; lots of talking heads when the experts were talking, lots of handheld shots especially when the raids were shown, many cutaways of objects that were loosley associated with what was being spoken about, close ups of a hand taking tablets from a pharmacy shelf, focuses on the flashes of the police lights, conversations between the police and others and hides identities, lots of focus on meth websites, and also lots of images of drug traffickers cooking up the crystal meth.

There were many shots of packets of sudafed tablets, as they contain the same ingredients as meth, there were lighting flashes of the police cars, actors as policemen, and also, two photos of meth criminals were shown on barbed wire, representing the link between the smuggling of the drug substances and also the dangerous and negativity of the two criminals.

Throughout the documentary I noticed that there was sad, emotional music when stories were being told that were negative or about peoples misfortunes, there were many voice overs through the video and there was a lot of serious music, to reflect the serious subject of the drug and to provoke emotion from the viewer.

There were many voice overs throughout the documentary that led the viewer through and narrated along the way, there were also many cutaways that were used to further focus on the subject.