Monday 13 December 2010

Research: Channel 4

We have chosen Channel 4 as the channel to display our documentary. The newspaper adverts typically displayed from channel 4 are witty and are also usually just one still image paired with a headline. We have researched still adverts from Channel 4 from the past and we think that we the style that channel 4 use for their adverts would perfectly suit the style of our documentary.

Above is a copy of our newspaper advert for the documentary .We used photoshop to produce this work and place the advert together. We used images that we had taken of students around college that were wearing outfits that we felt reflected a certain era or style, we took many photos and then on photoshop edited them together, cutting around the sillhouettes in a scrapbook type way. We have tried to reflect the individuality and fun nature of our documentary in this advert and we believe that this has been achieved. We are aiming for the different images and styles used in the advert to catch the audiences attention straight away.

Even though we werent producing a television advert we researched the television adverts of the past from channel 4, as this could inspire us for the radio advert and the newspaper advert and help to give us more of an idea of what channel 4 is about, and the style that they are known for using in their advertisements. The adverts from channel 4 are very often witty, have their own style and are ironice in a humourous way. Below are three videos of channel 4 tv adverts that I particularly felt summed up the style and tone of channel 4's adverts.

We also decided to research other radio adverts, to inspire us for our own advert and also to give us a clearer idea as to the common techniques used by professional companies.

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