Tuesday 14 December 2010

Audience Feedback

This is the questionnaire that we gave to the audience after watching our documentary, we chose these questions as we thought they would get a good range of feedback from the audience.

Circle the answer that yo find most appropriate:

1. On a scale of 1-5, how entertaining would you rate our documentary? (1=very entertaining, 5= not entertaining)

1 2 3 4 5

2. How eye-catching did you find our newspaper advertisement, on a scale of 1-5? (1= very interesting, 5= not interesting)

1 2 3 4 5

3. How much would you say our documentary compared to other professional documentaries? (1= compared well, 5= didnt compare at all)

1 2 3 4 5

4. What would you rate the technical quality used in our documentary? (eg sound, editing quality)(1= very good technical quality, 5= not good technical quality)

1 2 3 4 5

5. Did our radio advertisement make you want to watch the documentary? (1= yes, 5= no)

1 2 3 4 5

6. After watching the first five minutes of our documentary, did you want to continue and watch the full 30 minute program? (1= yes, 5= no)

1 2 3 4 5

7. How much would you say that our documentary was appropriate for channel 4 and compares to other channel 4 documentaries? (1= very appropriate, 5=not appropriate)

1 2 3 4 5

8. Would you say that our radio advert and newspaper advert were informative of our documentary? (1= very informative, 5= not informative)

1 2 3 4 5

9. Would you say that the cutaways we used through our documentary were relevant and appropriate? (1= very relevant, 5= not relevant)

1 2 3 4 5

10. On a scale of 1-5, how appropriate was the voiceover that was used in the radio advert and documentary? ( 1- very appropriate, 5= not appropriate)

1 2 3 4 5

11. How would you rate the music choice seen in the documentary and radio advert? (1= good music choice, 5= bad music choices)

1 2 3 4 5

Monday 13 December 2010

Print Advert, Finished Documentary and Radio ad

Research: Channel 4

We have chosen Channel 4 as the channel to display our documentary. The newspaper adverts typically displayed from channel 4 are witty and are also usually just one still image paired with a headline. We have researched still adverts from Channel 4 from the past and we think that we the style that channel 4 use for their adverts would perfectly suit the style of our documentary.

Above is a copy of our newspaper advert for the documentary .We used photoshop to produce this work and place the advert together. We used images that we had taken of students around college that were wearing outfits that we felt reflected a certain era or style, we took many photos and then on photoshop edited them together, cutting around the sillhouettes in a scrapbook type way. We have tried to reflect the individuality and fun nature of our documentary in this advert and we believe that this has been achieved. We are aiming for the different images and styles used in the advert to catch the audiences attention straight away.

Even though we werent producing a television advert we researched the television adverts of the past from channel 4, as this could inspire us for the radio advert and the newspaper advert and help to give us more of an idea of what channel 4 is about, and the style that they are known for using in their advertisements. The adverts from channel 4 are very often witty, have their own style and are ironice in a humourous way. Below are three videos of channel 4 tv adverts that I particularly felt summed up the style and tone of channel 4's adverts.

We also decided to research other radio adverts, to inspire us for our own advert and also to give us a clearer idea as to the common techniques used by professional companies.

Thursday 2 December 2010


27Th October:
We first booked out a camera and went to Liverpool via train to film our first interview at Quiggins Attique with Sue Kendrick. At the shop we found a great spot to film our interview with perfect mise en scene, we then set up our camera and began to film the interview. The questions we chose to ask Sue ranged from questions on her personal style, to her opinions on the idols of today, and of trends from the past, we collated some fantastic answers from these questions.

28Th October:
We watched the footage we recorded from the interview and imported it onto adobe premiere. We then picked out the responses that we felt were perfect for our documentary and also the parts that we felt were useless, and created a edit decision list.

1St November:
Today we booked out a camera again to film the vox pops that would accompany the interview in our documentary, the vox pops were of people answering various questions from explaning their own personal style to naming their current idols and their favourite decade.

2nd November:
Today we seached for a quote to display at the beggining of our documentary, we eventually chose the quote 'FASHION FADES, ONLY STYLE REMAINS THE SAME' We also started to search for archive material today such as cutaway photos of the idols that Sue talked about in the interview and sections of runway shows etc.

3rd November:
In this lesson we then got another camera to film more of the vox pops and we also found more archive material from the nylon magazine website on nylon TV. We found footage of an interview with Emma stone on a fashion shoot and we wanted to incorporate part of this video into our documentary. We collected this footage we used kiss you tube to convert it into a perfect length to use on our documentary.

4Th November:
After collecting our archive footage and our interview and vox pop footage we began to piece things together on adobe premier and began to search for music to fit the documentary, we were looking for upbeat, edgy music, similar to the examples we watched on nylon tv from their fashion interviews and documentaries. The song we eventualy chose was called Silver Screen by Felix da Housecat > This song was perfect because it was upbeat but also slighty aged and the beggining insturmental fitted perfectly into our documentary opening.

8Th November:
Today we went through all of the footage that we had and picked out things we could improve or add, we looked at the framing in some shots and re-sized one of the vox pops to fit the typical codes and conventions.

9Th November:
Today we fully pieced together the first minute of the documentary, inclluding the photo shoot from Nylon TV, the quote and the first answer from the interview with Sue Kendrick. We also decided it would be ideal to have somebody of the older generation to be interviewed as they would have lived through different eras of fashion, so we contacted Jess Edwards and she agreed to be interviewed that evening.

10Th November:
We continued to edit and fit our footage into a sequence that ran smoothly and we completed the second minute of our documentary. Today we also imported the footage of Jess Edwards.

11Th November:
Today again we continued with the editing, we completed 3 and a half minutes of the documentary, and found relevant cutaways of people that are deeply involved in fashion for example Twiggy, Audrey Hepburn to accompany the interview from Jess Edwards etc.

15Th November:
Today we continued with the editing and also scanned in images of Jess Edwards in different era's of her life onto the system and used them as cutaways whilst she is speaking to get a sense of the different eras and types of clothing that she wore over time and how the trends have changed.

16Th November:
We completed 4 and a half minutes of the documentary today, and we added our vox pops and fitted them into the documentary.

17Th November:
In the lesson today we re-watched our documentary and fixed the areas that jumped from shot to shot etc and other things that needed to be fixed such as sound issues and framing, so today we altered these.

18Th November:
We carried on fixing the areas that needed improving, and we chose to add cross-disolves onto the shots that jumoed to make them run more smoothly along the timeline.

22Nd November:
The documentary was nearly finished and was just missing the voiceover, so today we started to create ideas for the radio advert and researched the codes and conventions of existing adverts and worked out how we could incorporate these into our radio advert and documentary.

23Rd November:
We noted down ideas of what we wanted our radio advert to be like and how we wanted it to come across to the listener, and we then started to find sections of the vox pops from our documentary that we could use in our radio advert and we also created the script for the advert.

24Th November:
Today we finished creating the script and chose somebody appropriate to be our voiceover for the radio advert and documentary.

25Th November:
With the recording finished we imported the voiceover onto adobe premier and edited it, we chose to insert sounds such as people clapping, some answers from the questions from our vox pops, and also we recorded sombocy repesting the word fashion over and over again to try and create and follow the upbeat style of our documentary.

29th November:
We looked at ideas that we could incorporate into our poster advert, we looked on E4 and at the codes and conventions of their poster adverts and then began to collate some ideas for our own poster.

30th November:
Today we logged onto Photoshop and praticed the sequence of making a poster that followed the conventiond of a channel 4 advert, we also looked at the numerous tools we can use in our poster and then finalised our idea.

1St December:
In the lesson today we went out and took lots of pictures of people dressed in different styles and of different genders to use on our poster.

2Nd December:
We began to put together our poster properly on photoshop,using the images we took yesterday and placing them together to look like a crowd of people all in different iconic outfits.

6Th December:
Today we finished our poster advert today and added the E4 logo and title to follow the conventions.

7Th December:
Tody we watched and looked at all of our products to see if there was anything that needed changing, we noticed in the doctumentary there were a few bits of sound that had been cut out and that didnt match the picture, so thoughout the lesson we fixed that issue and completed any outstanding tasks.

8th December:
We were still finding areas of the documentary that were jumping and that weren't correct so we used more dissolves to alter that.

9th December:
The cutaways of Jess Edwards that we used were too large for the screen so you couldnt see the oufit that she was wearing, so we used motion on the images so that the camera scrolled down the photos so that you could see all of her outfit.

13th December:
Today we found things that were missing such as a title, the graphies on one of the interviees and things that needed to be changed the graphics on Sue Kendrick need to have swapped sides. Also more images of the role models need to be added for example Kate Moss, Princess Diana and Jerry Hall.

14th December:
Today we continued to fix the bits on the documentary and also found that our poster was a tad messy do began to fix that also the e4 logo was missing, title in the wrong place and needed a sloga so we fixed these points.

Logging sheets and EDL

Voiceover Scripts for Radio Advert and Documentary

Radio script:

Fashion. Its in our streets, in our adverts, there really is nowhere now in the modern day that fashion is not lurking. But fashion has changed dramtically through time and has played a major part through the lives of many people.

The 70's. A time full of hippies, flared hems and flowered hairstyles. What did it mean to you? (Add cutaway/s of vox pops or interview about the 70's.

Then comes the 1980's. Dominated by the jumpsuit, platform shoes and night fever. (Add cutaway of vox pop/interview about the 80's.

Next came the 1990's. A time of denim mania, the spice girls, and the bob. ( Add cutaways of interview/vox pops about the 1990's)

The millenium was next. A mixture of all the past eras fashion and idols all whirled together in one to create the current fashion styles we see today.

Drag out your doc martens,dust down your jumpsuit and get ready for the Fashion Evolution. Tuesday at 9 on channel 4.

Voice over for documentary:
Voice over:
Fashion. Its in our streets, in our adverts, there really is nowhere now in the modern day that fashion is not lurking. But fashion has changed dramtically through time and has played a major part through the lives of many people.

Production Schedule

Programme title: The Fashion Evolution

Crewing requirements:

Cameraperson: Brogan Ashley
Sound: Harriet Carmicheal
Lighting: Ashleigh Egan
Production: Sarah Bartolo
Technician: Ashleigh Egan

Sue Kendrick (owner of Quiggins Attique in Liverpool)
Harriet's nan (interviewee on her thoughts and views about fashion from the past and present)
Interviewees throughout college

Location Equipment Required
Sony camera/tripod/batteries x2
Microphones: 1 clip microphone
Tapes x2

Transport Requirements
1 x train for crew days 1,2 and 3
1 x tube for crew days 1,2 and 3