Friday 5 November 2010

Research: Codes and conventions of fashion documentary interviews and fashion documentary interviews

These are some of the things that we felt are stereotpyical to documentary interviews and things that we would like to follow and use in our own documentary:

* Interviews with different people are editing together to create a narrative cohert.

*Interviews do not look at the camera they look at the interviewer off camera.

*Question are edited off so you dont hear them .

*Graphic's are used at the bottom of the sccreen to introduce interview.

*Cut a ways are used between head shots to illustrate whats being shown.

*Background mise en scence is choosn to be relevant to the subject .

*One person is interviewed at a time.

*Head of the interviewee is off centre postioned to the right or left

Fashion documentary interviews often differ a little from the stereotypical documentary interviews as they are often to a particular audience and usually are snappy and fast edited.
Fashion documentaries would stereotypically have snappy, up beat music and unusual editing to gain the audiences interest and something individual and upcoming.

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