Friday 5 November 2010

Research: Stock Frame animation

We wanted to include an element of animation into our documentary as we had saw examples of it on the Nylon webiste and thought it looked really effective. The style of stock framing animation that we saw really suited our documentary as it looked quirky and would interest the audience and engage them in what was going on on the screen. The video below is a good example of something that we would like to acheieve in our documentary , and it shows the type of thing that we are aiming to include. We thought that this type of animation would be good for the quote that we are displaying,as it would be a intersting way to being the quote onto the screen.

Research: Codes and conventions of fashion documentary interviews and fashion documentary interviews

These are some of the things that we felt are stereotpyical to documentary interviews and things that we would like to follow and use in our own documentary:

* Interviews with different people are editing together to create a narrative cohert.

*Interviews do not look at the camera they look at the interviewer off camera.

*Question are edited off so you dont hear them .

*Graphic's are used at the bottom of the sccreen to introduce interview.

*Cut a ways are used between head shots to illustrate whats being shown.

*Background mise en scence is choosn to be relevant to the subject .

*One person is interviewed at a time.

*Head of the interviewee is off centre postioned to the right or left

Fashion documentary interviews often differ a little from the stereotypical documentary interviews as they are often to a particular audience and usually are snappy and fast edited.
Fashion documentaries would stereotypically have snappy, up beat music and unusual editing to gain the audiences interest and something individual and upcoming.

Research: Nylon

The Nylon website is a fashion website that has inspired us by the birght colours it uses in the videos posted on the website to the quirky cutaways and the music they use. The nylon website was the basis for most of our ideas for our own documentary as we really like how the videos were and how they captured the audience.

Click here to view the Nylon website">

The print screen below shows the Nylon TV section of the Nylon fashion website. We watched many of the videos posted on the website as we felt that we could gain inspiration from some aspects of the videos. We were particularly inspired by the music that was used on most of the videos and this is something that inspired us greatly. We enjoyed the upbeat tones of the music and the way that the shots were edited to align with the beats of the music, and this is something that we have tried to incorporate into our own documentary.

This print screen below is of one particular video that inspired us, we really liked the way that the music matched with the shots and the way it was edited in this video,and also the way that she shots were angled and edited. This video was particularly sharp and to the point and thats what we would like our documentary to include.